Learn About Energy

Learn About Nutrients

Frequently Asked Questions

What are kilojoules?

We measure energy in kilojoules, the same as we measure distance in kilometres and weight in kilograms.

Our bodies use energy for everything we do - growth, development, repair, and for movement activities like walking, running, swimming, working and even sleeping. 

The pre-metric name for kilojoules was calories, but for over 30 years Australia has used the metric terminology: kilojoules.

1 kilojoule = 0.24 kilocalories (often called Calories)
1 kilocalorie = 4.18 kilojoules

kJ        kilojoule
kcal     kilocalorie (or Calorie)


What are nutrients?

The nutrients found in all foods and drinks provide nourishment for the body. This nourishment is in the form of:

  • Substances which provide energy
  • Building blocks for bone, muscle, organs, hormones and blood
  • Substances needed for processes to occur in the body, like digestion
  • Substances that protect the body

Nutrients are drawn from a wide variety of foods and the more varied your diet, the more likely you are to obtain all the nutrients you need.

  1. Protein - made up of amino acids
  2. Fat - saturated, polyunsaturated (Omega 3 and 6) and monounsaturated
  3. Carbohydrate - includes starches and sugars
  4. Vitamins and minerals - play many crucial roles in the body's function and wellbeing, but do not provide energy (kilojoules)


Where did you get the information for this site?

  1. National Health and Medical Research Council, Nutrient Reference Values for Australia New Zealand. Commonwealth of Australia, 2006)
  2. National Health and Medical Research Council, Dietary Guidelines for Australian Adults (Commonwealth of Australia, 2003)
  3. Food Standards Australia New Zealand, Australia and New Zealand Food Standard Code (Commonwealth of Australia, 2006)
  4. Food Standards Australia New Zealand Nutrition Panel Calculator (17 November, 2006)


Are the Daily Intake Guide thumbnails trademarked?

Yes, the Daily Intake Guide thumbnails are a registered trademark.  This means that when used, food and drink manufacturers must adhere to the requirements of the Australian Food and Grocery Council's Daily Intake Guide.


What is my Daily Intake?

Your personal daily intake needs depend on a number of factors including how active you are and how much energy you burn during the day. An Accredited Practising Dietitian can provide you with expert individual nutrition advice on a range of health conditions and help you tailor a nutrion plan that is best suited to your lifestyle.

What is food energy?

Food energy is the amount of energy obtained from food that is available through cellular respiration.  Carbohydrates, fiber, fats, sugars, proteins and other nutrients all release energy during respiration - this is often called 'food energy'.  When the food (providing fuel) reacts with oxygen in the cells of living things energy is released for use by the body.

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